
  1. Structured decision-making: Confido provides a structured framework for organizing and evaluating different options, making it easier for meeting participants to navigate complex discussions
  2. Time efficiency: Every meeting participant provides their best quess or belief (including their level of confidence) at the same time helping the meeting moderator see the collective wisdom and the level of polarization of given topic pretty fast
  3. Reducing cognitive biases: Confido can help mitigate the impact of cognitive biases, such as anchoring or confirmation bias, by encouraging a more objective and data-driven approach to evaluating options
  4. Improved communication: Confido facilitates communication and collaboration by providing the same language (every meeting participant is answering the exacly same question and using the same probability or other scale)
  5. Enhanced transparency: The usage of Confido during meeting increases transparency, inclusion and open-culture priniciples
  6. Encouraging participation: By making the decision-making process more accessible and interactive, Confido promotes greater participation and engagement from all meeting attendees. Confido can encourage contributions from individuals who might not feel comfortable speaking up in a large group setting.
  7. Informed decisions: Confido generates the collective wisdom in real time; If a group hears an argument that forces it to update significantly, the moderator will find out about it from the app immediately.
  8. Documentation and tracking: Confido can help organizations document and track decisions made during meetings, clealy documenting the level of everyone´s confidence about given steps

Steps to take:

  1. Before the meeting or at its beginning formulate clear and specific question
  2. Share the question with others present at the meeting right at the beginning (to prevent anchoring)
  3. Make sure everyone understands the question in the same way
  4. As all meeting attendess provide their best guess or belief, observe the collective wisdom and the level of polarization within your group
  5. Adjust the meeting accordingly
  6. As the meeting and it discussion evolves, all attendees can easily update their best guesses and beliefs. Watch for the development of collective consensus as the discussion progresses